05/24/2012 10:06:54 SPILL CONTROL S BELMONT RD / STRASBURG RD PARADISE TOWNSHIP- Rescue 4-7. Rescue 4-7 (Lt. 4-7-2) w/7, Squad 4-7-2 (Fire Police) Made The Response LCWC Advised Requested By PSP For Fluids On The Roadway. Rescue 4-7 Arrived Applied Oil Dry The The Fluids That Were Leaking. All Units Cleared The Scene @ 10:28.
Rachel Brubaker Photo 05/21/2012 19:03:16 TRAINING-FIRE 5 HERSHEY AVE PARADISE TOWNSHIP The Outback Crew Met The Gordonville Ambulance Crews For An Intense Vehicle Accident Training Drill. The Vehicle Accident Drill Was Down Over A Steep Embankment. The Rescue Personnel Worked Hand In Hand With The Amb. Personnel During The Entire Extrication, Patient Packaging And Patient Removal. The Evening Was A Great Example Of How Important It Is To Work Together As A Team Between EMS And Rescue Personnel And Getting To Know One Another. 1205023630 05/22/2012 07:58:15 VEHICLE ACCIDENT-CLASS 1 3265 LINCOLN HWY E PARADISE TOWNSHIP-Rescue 4-7,Squad 4-7-1. Rescue 4-7 (Lt. 4-7-2) w/7, Squad 4-7-1 w/2 (Captain4-7-2), Squad 4-7-2 (Fire Police) Made The LCWC Advised A Vehicle Into The Back Of A Dump Truck With A Male Out Laying On The Roadway. Rescue 4-7 Arrived To Confirm The Report. The Rescue Crew Split Crew To Control Hazards And Assist EMS With Patient Care. Lt.4-7-2 Established Command 4-7, Units Cleared The Scene @ 08:55. 05/19/2012 21:55:05 UNKNOWN TYPE-FIRE LA PARK AVE / LINCOLN HWY E PARADISE TOWNSHIP Engine 4-7-2, Rescue 4-7 & Tanker 4-3. Deputy 4-7 Investigated The Area And Recalled The Companies.
05/20/2012 03:04:28 VEHICLE ACCIDENT-UNKNOWN INJURY 8 S SINGER AVE PARADISE TOWNSHIP-Rescue 4-7, Squad 4-7-1. Rescue 4-7 (Chief 4-7-3) Made The Response LCWC Advised Car In A Wall Unknown Injuries. The Rescue Crew Assisted PSP Then Cleared The Scene @ 03:30. Chief 4-7-3 Established Command 4-7. 5/14/2012 16:51:36 FIRE POLICE ROUTE 30 / S BELMONT RD PARADISE TOWNSHIP- Fire Police 4-7. Squad 4-7-2 (Fire Police) Made The Response And Assisted PSP Until Roadway Cleared @ 17:13.
05/13/2012 08:06:19 STANDBY-AT EVENT1000 NEW HOLLAND AVE LANCASTER CITY- Rescue 4-7. Travis Patterson smiled, whooped and laughed Sunday afternoon amid a deafening cacophony of hundreds of air horns and sirens. Patterson, 23, was in his place, in the cab of an idling 18-wheel tractor-trailer, in the parking lot of Burle Business Park, as trucks prepared to leave on the annual Make-A-Wish Mother's Day convoy. Since he was 5, Patterson has had a spot in one of the trucks with a "Make-A-Wish child onboard" banner. Over the din, Patterson, of Reinholds, said he liked "sitting up here and listening to all the horns." In each of his 18 years at the convoy, Patterson has ridden with Daryl Miller, his one-time school bus driver, now a driver for Lift Inc., a forklift company. "It's not Mother's Day without Travis and I being in the truck," Miller said. Patterson, who was born premature with cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus, was one of 70 Make-A-Wish passengers in the 336-truck convoy Sunday. The 23rd annual gathering, which included a variety of commercial trucks and fire trucks, made its way from Lancaster city's eastern edge past thousands of onlookers to Ephrata and back. Read more: http://lancasteronline.com/article/local/647976_Mother-Nature-provides-perfect-day-for-Make-A-Wish-Mother-s-Day-convoy.html#ixzz1v24JSAcR This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
05/08/2012 11:04:35 VEHICLE ACCIDENT-STANDBY 51 S BELMONT RD PARADISE TOWNSHIP-Rescue 4-7, Squad 4-7-1. Rescue 4-7 (Captain 4-7-2) W/7 And Squad 4-7-2 (Fire Police) Made The Response LCWC Advised Vehicle Into A Pole With No Injuries. Rescue 4-7 Arrived With A Car That Sheared The Pole And Vehicle Down Over An Embankment In A Field With Captain 4-7-2 Establishing Command 4-7. . EMS Captain 4-3 On The Scene Advised Command To Call For A BLS Units For Patient Evaluation. Rescue Crew Depowered The Vehicle. The Outback Units Cleared The Scene @ 11:42. 04/30/2012 22:22:13 INVESTIGATION-INSIDE 6 CHERRY HILL RD PARADISE TOWNSHIP-ENGINE 4-7-2. Engine 4-7-2 (Captain 4-7-3) w/6 Arrived Found A Smoke Haze In The Basement From An Old Freezer. Deputy 4-7 Established Command And Units Cleared @ 23:16.
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