![]() 09/15/2012 08:09:55 FIRE ACTIVITY 5 HERSHEY AVE PARADISE TOWNSHIP-Engine 44-1. Engine 44-1 (Assistant 44) Arrived Station 47 To Stand By While The 47 House Was Taken Out Of Service To Participate In The 300th Anniversary Parade & Celebration. 47 House Ready For Parade The Paradise Leaman Place Fire Company Led The The Parade. The Paradise Leaman Place Fire Company Thanks The Paradise Community That Put A Lot Of Time And Effort For The 300th Anniversary Celebration. The Parade And The Activities Were Great And Well Planned. http://lancasteronline.com/article/local/736449_Blazing-a-path-to-Paradise.html Beverly Hillbillies Paradise Parade Pics Candy Drop Paradise Parade Pics Paradise Parade Pics The Paradise Leaman Place Fire Company And The Hershey/Fisher Fund Raiser Committee Wants The Thank Everyone That Helped In Any Way To Make The Event Successful. The Support Was OUTSTANDING! The Event Committee Was Constantly Reminded That WE Have A Lot Of Good Neighbors That Are Willing Support Each Another In A Time Of Need. Here Is A Link On Lancaster Online That Gives Some Detail On The Event.
http://lancasteronline.com/article/local/718606_Hundreds-turn-out-for-fundraiser-in-Paradise-Township.html#video !! Bring Something !!
!! Buy Something !! Martha Hershey/Steven Fisher Families !! Benefit Auction !! Afternoon & Evening Auction To Benefit Two Families In Need Of Financial Support Tuesday August, 21 2012 Auction Starting At 1:00 PM At The PARADISE TOWNSHIP PARK 6 Londonvale Road, Paradise PA 17562 DRIVE Thru TAKEOUTS Breakfast Drive Thru Takeouts 5:30 To 9:30 AM Lunch & Dinner Drive Thru Takeouts From 11:00 To 7:00 Or Will Supplies Last Lunch & Dinner Menu Are As Follows BBQ Chicken & Rib Dinners, Home Made French Fries, Soft Pretzels, Subs, Ice Cream, Waffles & Ice Cream, Fresh Onsite Donuts & Home Made Chips And Much More !! We Are Looking For Donated Merchandise To Arrive The Day Of The Sale If You Have An Interest In Helping These Families, Please Take The Opportunity To Support The Auction By Buying Food, Contributing Merchandise, And Buying Items At The Auction. Let's Support This Event And Plan To Come Early! Together & United We Can Make A Big Difference General Auction Info Call 717-278-6532 For Auction Items Donations Info Call 717-687-0155 For Donation Sponsors Call 717-687-8526 Ext. 1 Or 717-687-0708 Ext. 2 For Information On Food Call 717-768-0017 / Food Deliveries Call 717-278-8046 "I Wish You Could See"
I wish you could know what it is like too search a burning bedroom for trapped children, flames rolling above your head, your palms and knees burning as you crawl, the floor sagging under your weight as the kitchen I wish you could comprehend a wife's horror at 3 in the morning as I check her husband of 40 years for a pulse and find none. I start CPR anyway, hoping to bring him back, knowing intuitively it is too late. But wanting his wife and family to know everything possible was done to try to save his life. I wish you knew the unique smell of burning insulation, the taste of soot-filled mucus, the feeling of intense heat through your turnout gear, the sound of flames crackling, the eeriness of being able to see absolutely nothing in dense smoke-sensations that I've become too familiar with. I wish you could understand how it feels to go home in the morning after having spent most of the night, hot and soaking wet at a multiple alarm fire. I wish you could read my mind as I respond to a building fire "Is this a false alarm or a working fire? How is the building constructed? What hazards await me? Is anyone trapped?" Or to an EMS call? "What is wrong with the patient? Is it minor or life-threatening? Is the caller really in distress or is he waiting for us with a 2x4 or a gun?" I wish you could be in the emergency room as a doctor pronounces dead the beautiful five-year old girl that I have been trying to save during the past 25 minutes. Who will never go on her first date or say the words, "I love you Mommy" again. I wish you could know the frustration I feel in the cab of the engine or my personal vehicle, the driver with his foot pressing down hard on the pedal, your arm tugging again and again at the air horn chain, as you fail to yield the right-of-way at an intersection or in traffic. When you need us however, your first comment upon our arrival will be, "It took you forever to get here!" I wish you could know my thoughts as I help extricate a girl of teenage years from the remains of her automobile. "What if this was my sister, my girlfriend or a friend? What were her parents reaction going to be when they opened the door to find a police officer with hat in hand?" I wish you could know how it feels to walk in the back door and greet my parents and family, not having the heart to tell them that I nearly did not come back from the last call. I wish you could feel the hurt as people verbally, and sometimes physically, abuse us or belittle what I do, or as they express their attitudes of "It will never happen to me." I wish you could realize the physical, emotional and mental drain or missed meals, lost sleep and forgone social activities, in addition to all the tragedy my eyes have seen. I wish you could know the brotherhood and self-satisfaction of helping save a life or preserving someone's property, or being able to be there in time of crisis, or creating order from total chaos. I wish you could understand what it feels like to have a little boy tugging at your arm and asking, "Is Mommy okay?" Not even being able to look in his eyes without tears from your own and not knowing what to say. Or to have to hold back a long time friend who watches his buddy having rescue breathing done on him as they take him away in the ambulance. You know all along he did not have his seat belt on. A sensation that I have become too familiar with. Unless you have lived with this kind of life, you will never truly understand or appreciate who I am, we are, or what our job really means to us... I wish you could though. APPRECIATE AND SUPPORT THE LOCAL EMS WORKERS, FIREFIGHTERS, & LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN YOUR AREA. ONE DAY THEY'LL PROBABLY BE SAVING YOUR PROPERTY OR YOUR LIFE. WHEN YOU SEE THEM COMING WITH LIGHTS FLASHING, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY QUICKLY. THEN PRAY FOR THEM AND THE NEED THEY ARE RACING TOO _ The Paradise Leaman Place Fire Company Regrets To Announce The Passing Of Life Member Eugene Trout. Eugene Trout Served On Many Committee's In His Many Years Of Service. The Following Is From Lancaster Newspaper
Eugene F. Trout, age 77, of Paradise, PA passed away at the Essa Flory Hospice Center on Thursday, January 12, 2012 following a brief fight with Sepsis. He was the husband of Edith Y. Walker Trout with whom he celebrated 55 years of marriage June of last year. He was born in Paradise, son of the late Andrew F. & Margaret Echternach Trout. He was a member of St. John’s United Methodist Church of Paradise. He was a graduate of the former Paradise High School. He served in the Navy as an Aviation Mechanic. He retired from Tyson Foods of New Holland. He was a lifetime member of the Paradise Leaman Place Fire Company and also a lifetime member of the Lancaster County Fire Police Association. Eugene was loved by many and surviving besides his wife is a son: Thomas F. Trout of Paradise; two granddaughters: Brittany Lynn and Kathrine Yvonne Trout; as well as extensive extended family. Funeral service will take place from the Shivery Funeral Home, 3214 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, PA on Monday evening, January 16th, at 7 p.m. with a viewing time from 6 p.m. until time of service. Pastor Eugene Erickson will be officiating. Graveside service will take place in the St. John’s Methodist Cemetery, Paradise, PA on Tuesday, January 17th, at 10 a.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Hospice of Lancaster County, P.O. Box 4125, Lancaster, PA 17604. ![]() _The Paradise Leaman Place Fire Company Sends Its Thoughts & Prayers To The Bart Twp. Fire Company & The Graybill Family As They Announce The Passing Of Life Member Robert J. Graybill Jr. Bob Joined The Department In 1968 . Bob served in various positions and committees including Vice-President, Board Of Director, Fire Policeman, Sale Committee, member of the Special Division (Ladies Auxiliary). Bob Was The Father Of (Treasurer) John Graybill & Grandfather To (Firefighter) Chad Graybill & Wife Of (Firefighter) Kevin Krieder. ![]() _The Paradise Leaman Place Fire Company would like to send its Thoughts and Prayers out to Marks Family and Station 3-11. For More Info Go To upperleacockfire.org _ President Vise President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Jerry Garver Duane Gregg Stacey Herman Tracy Dippner
Secretary Assistant Secretary Trustee (Chairman) Trustee Glenda Worst Jennie Mcfadden Ben Beiler Joshua Knosp Trustee Trustee Trustee Chaplain Reuben G Stoltzfus Henry Fisher Ray Rice Jennie Mcfadden Chief 4-7 Deputy 4-7 Chief 4-7-2 Chief 4-7-3 Pat Cosgrove Drew Wenger Jamie Knosp Daniel Beiler Safety Officer 4-7-1 Safety Officer 4-7-2 Bob Herman Richard Neff |